Axolotl The Salamander

Article number: Made in Thailand
Availability: In stock

The Axolotl is a fascinating aquatic salamander. Native to Mexico's ancient lake system, this extraordinary creature possesses remarkable regenerative powers, capable of regrowing entire limbs, spinal cords, and even parts of its heart and brain. Scientists study this rare ability in hopes of uncovering new ways of growing human tissue lost due to illness or injury. Amazingly, these cute amphibians are neotenic, meaning they never undergo complete metamorphosis (as in tadpole to frog), and thus retain their aquatic lifestyle, which scientists are also interested in. Sadly, they face threats of extinction due to habitat loss and pollution, marking the urgency of conservation efforts.

Who Made It: Kamibashi  is a member of the Fair Trade Federation and the Museum Store Association. They are dedicated to bringing handmade art from Asia to the West and beyond! Kamibashi works directly with artists in northern Thailand to make The String Doll Gang! What started as a group of 15 string doll characters has grown to over 250 made almost entirely from string and bearing messages of good fortune to everyone. 

Materials: String

Dimensions: 2” - 3”

Handcrafted in Thailand

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