Add a kick to your cooking with this raw African honey combined with locally-grown Canadian chillies. It’s hot, but not too hot! It is a great addition on charcuterie, with cheese, pizza and even vanilla ice cream!
100% organic and harvested by traditi
Sport Maya Flya
Thackory The Koala
Al Paca
Winston The Cat
Ron The Pteranodon
Alexander Hamilton Broadway
Super Teacher (Long Hair)
Super Teacher (Short Hair)
Moby The Whale
Ellie The Elephant
Ruth Bader Ginsburg
East Africa Coffee
Olive Branch Ornament
Worry Doll Travel Set
7 Vibes Bracelet
Hand Carved Wooden Natiivity
Swirling Sari Basket - Small
Socks that Protect Penguins
Beer Tasting Pocket Journal