A round, rich, smooth, chocolatey coffee. The coffees working together in this blend are roasted to
an irresistible and perfect medium level. A hero in a drip brew and a champion of the French press
and AeroPress.
Products tagged with cards
Andes Mountain Coffee
Be Still Lemongrass Soap
Be Still Mint Soap
Worry Doll Travel Set
7 Vibes Bracelet
Hand Carved Wooden Natiivity
Swirling Sari Basket - Small
Socks that Protect Sloths
Socks that Protect Penguins
Statement Pouch Green Queen
Beer Tasting Pocket Journal
Puzzle House Mug Rug Red
Puzzle House Mug Rug Ivory
You're a Star Mug Rug Ivory
Starlite Mug Rug Navy
Starlite Mug Rug Ivory