Large Prayer Flags

Article number: Made in Nepal
Availability: In stock

This is a set of 5 hand block printed prayer flags are shorter than the other traditional windhorse flags you can find in our shop. They fit well across a small porch or apartment ledge. Each strand contains 10 flags and measures 121 inches long. The flags contain separate prayers for knowledge, prosperity, peace, success and long life. Hung in places where they catch the wind they will scatter these prayers across the world to benefit all. 

Who Made It: Ganesh Himal has worked with partners in Nepal to create ethical, fair trade goods for over 30 years. They work directly with producers as a team, expanding each other’s talents and ideas. Ganesh Himal believes that building long-term business relationships based on mutual respect and trust is the key component of a more equitable future. 

Dimensions: 121” Long, each flag measures 13” Long x 10.5” Wide

Handcrafted in Nepal

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