Earl Grey Tea (Loose Leaf)

Article number: Grown in India
Availability: In stock

Assam black tea and bergamot oil dance beautifully together. Use one heaping tablespoon of loose
leaf or a single tea bag for 500ml of boiling water. Brew it a little stronger to enjoy with milk and

This Fair Trade tea is ethically sourced and grown using organic practice from the world renowned northeastern region of Assam in India.

Fine-plucking and careful rolling of the leaf are the cornerstones of quality tea. The tea growers in Assam select only the youngest two leaves and a bud from their tea plants, returning to the plant every few days for fresh new leaves.

Tea is a labour-intensive endeavour and is often dominated by large estates and huge factories. Level Ground's tea comes from a new movement in Assam - small tea growers running their own micro-enterprise. This model of business builds opportunity within the village through entrepreneurial efforts. 

Fair Trade Premiums for tea go entirely to the labourers and the decision as to what the money is put towards is determined by the labourers in an open meeting. Historically, premiums have gone towards water filtration for each home and piglets to raise and sell for profit. 

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