Hedgehog Terracotta Planter (Large)

Article number: Made in Bangladesh
Availability: In stock

Lots of people have a garden hedge, but a garden hedgehog is truly unique! The Hedgehog Planter is handcrafted in Bangladesh where makers from Corr-The Jute Works showcase their skill in ceramics by crafting each white-washed terracotta planter by hand. 

Who Made It: CORR stands for Christian Organization for Relief and Rehabilitation. Corr–The Jute Works is a women’s nonprofit handicraft marketing trust and exporter of quality handicrafts. Based in Dhaka, Bangladesh, The Jute Works represents more than 4,000 rural women artisans in 154 workshops. The Jute Works strives to empower rural women through handicraft production, animal husbandry and small job creation projects. The group works with women regardless of caste, creed and race. It provides job training, develops leadership skills and generates awareness of the women’s plight. It promotes thrift, self–help and democratic practice among the women’s handicraft groups. Members share ownership, participate in decision-making and receive the benefits of surplus production. The Jute Works is one of Bangladesh’s largest exporter of handicrafts. Ten Thousand Villages has purchased products from The Jute Works since 1974.

Materials: Terracotta

Dimensions: 5”

Handcrafted in Bangladesh

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